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Email Confidentiality and Security


Emails and their attachments may be confidential and are intended only for the named addresses set out on each message. If an email has come to you in error you must take no action based on that email, nor must you copy or show it to anyone. Please reply to the sender and highlight the error.


Emails are sent in the knowledge that the Internet is not a wholly secure communications medium. We recommend that you consider this lack of security when emailing us.


Although we take steps to ensure that emails and attachments are free from any virus, we recommend that recipients check to ensure that they are actually virus free.

Material Information

Clients are reminded of their duty to disclose to underwriters all material information relevant to contracts of insurance to which they are a party. Failure to do so could void such a contract of insurance. If you are in any doubt as to whether information is material, you should disclose it.

BPL is the world’s leading broker specialising exclusively in credit and political risk insurance (CPRI) for multinational corporations, financial institutions, global investors and public agencies.