Our claims record is testament to our leading position within the credit and political risk insurance (CPRI) market. A position we’ve maintained for over 40 years.

A claims record that speaks for itself
The value of our products is demonstrated by ensuring that claims are paid in full and on time, and this underpins every aspect of our service to clients. We believe our extensive claims experience and dedicated expertise to be unrivalled in the CPRI market, and that is why many of our clients have worked with us for over 25 years.
Supporting our clients, every step of the way
We have a dedicated claims team solely focused on CPRI business to ensure our clients’ valid claims are paid, and quickly. The relevant broking team also remains fully involved in all claims files to ensure our clients receive consistent service levels and support across the whole life cycle of the policy – from placement, to claim and recoveries, if required.
Claims since the global financial crisis
Claims from financial institutions (FIs) constituted the bulk of the wider CPRI market’s claims collections since the global financial crisis – with just over US$6bn across 1,100 claims settled to FIs between 2007–2023 across the market as a whole, and with US$537m paid in 2023 alone. BPL handled a third of these claims in 2023.”
(A2Z Risk Services survey, March 2024).
Market leading policy wordings across all CPRI products
The key to successful claims collection begins at the first engagement on a transaction. We ensure that policy wordings are clearly drafted and understood by our clients, and policies are peer-reviewed by specialist staff.
Unrivalled insight from over 40 years of claims data
With our leading market share and claims and recover data across 90 countries, we offer a unique perspective on the performance of the CPRI market, providing our clients with detailed evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of the product.
BPL is the world’s leading broker specialising exclusively in credit and political risk insurance (CPRI) for multinational corporations, financial institutions, global investors and public agencies.
Client Sectors
Supporting all sectors of the world economy with CPRI coverage
The BPL Advantage
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Our People
The largest broking team in the CPRI market